Join Us at EVB’s Booth 10F22 at Genera

Join us at EVB’s booth 10F22 at Genera to explore the latest technological advancements and revolutionary solutions. EVB is proud to showcase our cutting-edge products and intelligent solutions, meticulously crafted with a focus on user safety, reliability, and innovation.

Feel free to engage in discussions about our products and solutions and participate in the “Answer Questions to Win Gifts” campaign in Spain. Here are the details:

  1. Follow our LinkedIn/TikTok account by scanning the QR code to receive a woven bag and participate in the quiz challenge.
  2. Random quiz questions will be presented to participants.
  3. Answer questions correctly to progress to the next one, with a limit of three questions.
  4. One correct answer earns you a gel pen as a reward.
  5. Two correct answers earn you a measuring tape as a reward.
  6. Answer all three questions correctly to receive Bluetooth earphones as a reward (limited availability, first come, first served).

★ Location: Madrid | Spain (GMT+1)

★ Date: February 6-8, 2024

★ EVB Booth: 10F22, Pavilion 10

We eagerly anticipate your visit to booth 10F22. Come and join us for this exciting event!

Your support is invaluable, and we are confident that this show will offer you an unforgettable experience.

Yours sincerely,

EVB Team

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