Estimado cliente,
We deeply appreciate your unwavering support and trust in EVB as your preferred provider of charging stations. Our commitment to delivering top-quality products and exceptional user experiences drives us to continuously improve and update our software.
It is with great pleasure that we announce the completion of our latest round of software updates, designed to meet market demands and enhance your charging experience. These updates bring significant improvements and feature enhancements to two key platforms:
Android: Upgraded from version 1.0.13 to 1.6.1
iOS: Upgraded from version 1.5.1 to 1.6.0
Actualizaciones de funciones notables:
- Energy Flow Diagram, also switchable to EED (Energy Efficiency Dashboard).
- Residential electricity tariffs retain two decimal places.
- Optional manual selection for firmware upgrade timing.
- App version detection.
- Replacement of the login process sequence.
- BOX:
Android: Upgraded from version 8.17.0 to 8.17.1
iOS: Upgraded from version 8.17.1 to 8.18.1
Actualizaciones de funciones notables:
- Added Energy Flow Diagram for DLB (Dynamic Load Balancing).
- Enhanced compatibility with OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol) charging station firmware version 1.0.27, introducing additional functionalities such as: energy limitation charging – one-time, scheduled charging, weekly reservations, historical energy consumption, and monthly charging restrictions.
- Added ChargeHQ connection method for OCPP network configuration.
Para asegurarse de que dispone de las últimas actualizaciones de software, acceda a la tienda de aplicaciones y actualice las aplicaciones correspondientes a sus últimas versiones. Si tiene alguna dificultad durante el proceso de actualización o necesita más ayuda, nuestro equipo de atención al cliente está listo para ayudarlo. Estamos totalmente dedicados a ofrecer un apoyo incondicional y a responder a cualquier consulta que pueda tener. Una vez más, expresamos nuestra gratitud por su apoyo y confianza en EVB. Nuestro compromiso constante es mejorar continuamente nuestros productos y servicios, esforzándonos por cumplir y superar sus expectativas.
EVB EV Charger Team