Visit Us at EVB’s Booth 7B60, Open Energies

Dear Customers,

Visit us at EVB’s booth 7B60, Open Energies, to discover the latest advancements in technology and groundbreaking solutions. Join EVB as we showcase our cutting-edge products and intelligent solutions, meticulously designed to prioritize user safety, reliability, and innovation.

Welcome to discuss the product and solutions, and join the “Answer Questions to Win Gift” campaign in France. Details are as follows:

1. Follow our LinkedIn/TikTok account by scanning the QR code, you can reward a woven bag and take part in the quiz challenge.
2. We will randomly present quiz questions to participants.
3. Answer questions correctly to advance to the next one, with a limit of three questions.
4. One correct answer earns you a gel pen as a reward.
5. Two correct answers earn you a measuring tape as a reward.
6. Answer all three questions correctly to receive Bluetooth earphones as a reward (limited availability, first come, first served).

★Location: Boulevard | France(GMT+1)
★Date: January 23-24, 2024
★EVB Booth: 7B60

We are excitedly anticipating your visit to booth 7B60. Come and join us for this thrilling event!

We sincerely appreciate your support, and we are confident that this show will provide you with an unforgettable experience.

Yours sincerely,

Squadra EVB

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