Растущее распространение электромобилей привело к увеличению спроса на инфраструктуру зарядки электромобилей (EV). Для повышения эффективности управления зарядными станциями, повышения эффективности зарядки и минимизации эксплуатационных расходов в игру вступило устройство мониторинга зарядного устройства. В этой статье будут рассмотрены определение, работа и преимущества этого устройства, подкрепленные реальным практическим примером.
What is the Charger Monitoring Device?
The Charger Monitoring Device is an intelligent system crafted for monitoring and overseeing multiple EV chargers. Its principal role involves monitoring charging currents and reallocating them based on the electrical capacity, ensuring the charging station can concurrently support multiple EV chargers without compromising stability. This technology finds widespread application in commercial settings, including parking lots, workplaces, and hospitality venues like malls, coffee shops, and restaurants.

How Does the Charger Monitoring Device Operate?
A. Independent Power Grids
The charging station is connected to a dedicated power grid where all power is exclusively allocated to the charging station’s operations. In this setup, the available power for charging remains constant. As EV chargers connect and initiate charging, the monitoring device detects their currents and redistributes them as the number of chargers increases. This prevents grid overload, ensuring the stability and reliability of the charging station.
B. Integration into Other Power Grids
Alternatively, charging stations can integrate into other power grids, such as corporate power grids. In this scenario, the total current for charging undergoes dynamic changes. For instance, when the enterprise activates additional loads, the power allocated to the charging station decreases, and it increases when these loads are inactive. Therefore, it is recommended to incorporate dynamic load balancing (DLB) into the system. DLB monitors enterprise power consumption and transmits this information to the charger monitoring device, allowing it to redistribute charging currents based on dynamically changing conditions, preventing grid overload. In the absence of DLB, setting the maximum current available for the charging station becomes necessary, but it will still potentially result in underutilization of grid power resources or overload due to excessive application.

What are Advantages of Installing Charger Monitoring Device?
1. Cost Reduction and Resource Optimization
The Charger Monitoring Device, with its intelligent management capabilities, optimizes the power distribution at charging stations, minimizing energy wastage. Through real-time monitoring of EV chargers, the device intelligently adjusts charging currents, ensuring each charger operates optimally and, consequently, reducing energy costs.
2. Grid Stability and System Reliability
The activation of multiple EV chargers can strain the grid, particularly during peak periods. The Charger Monitoring Device, through real-time monitoring and rationalizing current distribution, effectively prevents grid overload. This ensures grid stability and reliability, critical for the robust operation of power systems and the mitigation of outage risks, especially in areas with stringent power stability requirements like city centers.

3. Enhanced Charging Efficiency and User Satisfaction
With the increasing number of electric vehicles, congestion at charging stations has become a significant concern. The installation of a Charger Monitoring Device enables charging stations to more efficiently meet the demands of multiple EV chargers simultaneously, reducing user waiting times. This not only boosts the overall efficiency of the charging station but also enhances the user experience and satisfaction.

EVB’s Intelligent Solution with A Case Study
EVB is a company committed to delivering intelligent solutions for electric vehicle charging. At its corporate headquarters, a charging monitoring system has been successfully implemented, overseeing 8 EV chargers. The following analysis is based on this case:
1. Overview
The system comprises 8 EV chargers and 1 charger monitoring device. One of the chargers features a dual-socket design, enabling the system to concurrently accommodate charging for up to 9 electric vehicles.
2. Operation
In a three-phase system with a total current of 60A per phase, using phase A as an illustration, when 2 EV chargers are connected, each charger’s charging current is 30A. Upon the detection of a third operational charger, the monitoring device adjusts the charging current, gradually reducing it for all three to 20A, ensuring it does not exceed the system load. Users have the flexibility to initiate or halt charging through the control panel. The control panel also provides real-time information on charging currents, power consumption, and fault status for each charging point.

3. Advantages
EVB’s charger monitoring device enables real-time monitoring of each charging point, employing intelligent optimization algorithms to redistribute current and ensure maximum utilization of each charger. It also safeguards against system overload, maintaining overall stability. The provision of real-time data from each charger aids administrators in effective energy management.
For additional insights, you can refer to the following video:
In summary, the charger monitoring device plays a pivotal role in EV charging stations. Through continuous real-time monitoring and adaptive current distribution, these devices not only enhance charging efficiency and reduce operational costs but also guarantee grid stability. EVB’s solution serves as a successful case, showcasing the advantages and potential of this technology. In the swiftly evolving electric vehicle industry, EVB remains at the forefront, driving the critical role of the charger monitoring device in the intelligent and sustainable development of charging infrastructure.